Every Day Blog

This Blog

Where I set up this blog using Jekyll

Nice start!

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First hiccup

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Sudo is a bad idea

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6 hours later…

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5/30 - Overriding Minima theme is relatively simple

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  1. create folder _layouts
  2. create css folder in root that will be copied (and compiled if using sass) into _site/css
  3. create img folder in root that will be copied to _site/img
  4. create a folder _includes for … includes :)

…And here is the code for the post!

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5/31 Blog Home and Post

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6/1 Blog live

Seamless integration

6/2 Custom domain name

From USERNAME.github.io to kalimfleet.net

6/3 Https

Since (at the time of this writing) Github does not offer free https for hosted content using a custom domain, I set it up - may take up to 24 hours

6/4/ Confirm Https

That’s it folks. Blog is all ready to go. Now it’s time to create digital things and write about my experience here. I hope you learn as much as I do on this journey.

6/6 Post type

Posts now have a type attribute so I can create lists of posts filtered by type

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More about Minima Theme Markdown: Syntax Jekyll Variables Liquid Templating